Everything that happens around us is either a blessing or a blessing in disguised




General counselling

As a professionally trained counsellor, helping clients with life issues such as relationship, career, emotion, personal development, life goals, etc are the main focus of my professional training. I have more than 10 years of experience in counselling and mental health.


Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help us change. Our consciousness is often distracted by our environment. By using hypnosis, we can focus and access the unconscious mind to reprogram how we interact with the world.

Sex Therapy

We will explore sexual difficulties such as erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE), vaginismus, low libido and etc. from multiple aspects of life, including psychological, physical, relationship with partner, and environment. During this process, I will be using techniques from different schools of thought like counselling, psychotherapy, sex therapy, expressive arts, and hypnotherapy to help you regain your pleasure in bed.

Addictions (sex, masturbation, pornography and so on)

Sex is pleasurable, but too much of it can put us in trouble. If sex gets in your way while you are trying to enjoy life, we should sit down and realign this innate desire. Sex is meant to be pleasurable and shall not affect our daily functioning.

Couple Therapy

Romantic relationships can be emotionally complicated. We love each other, but sometimes we can’t agree to disagree. In relationships, we often see things only from our point of view. Only seeing things from one angle can easily create conflict. Having trained personnel as a mediator to sort out the conflict and regain the sense of love can be helpful in searching for a solution.

Sex education

I have been constantly being invited to conduct sex education talks to different groups of people since 2014. I made my appearance on many platforms, including live school talks, sex education workshops, radio stations, television shows, Facebook live, Youtube channels, Zoom meetings, etc.